LaSalle County Farm Bureau
"Representing agriculture and our member families through information and legislation to improve financial stability and quality of life."

Our organization is built upon volunteers. The organization’s strength is based upon the willingness of volunteers to dedicate time and expertise in various committee areas. As the number of farmers decrease, it becomes even more imperative that everyone gets involved to maintain a quality of the program. You are needed for the future! Help by serving on one of Farm Bureau’s committees. Most of the committees meet 2-4 times a year. If you are interested in joining a committee please call our office so we can add you to the list!

Legislative Committee is involved with evaluating issues that affect farmers throughout legislature along with working and maintaining a productive relationship with State and National Elected Leaders.

Local Affairs Committee is involved with local issues that affect members in our county, i.e. taxes, roads, zoning, and other issues that may become a local concern.

Organizes programs and activities aimed at maintaining and increasing membership in LaSalle County. Not a member. Join below!

Provide opportunities for leadership development by enabling young people(ages 18-35) to participate in Farm Bureau programs so they are able to contribute to the overall effectiveness of the organization.

Provides an opportunity for LaSalle County Farm Bureau members to offer input concerning policy development at the local, state, and national levels. Follow our link for virtual Viewpoint Card.

Provide programs on a local level that will increase our member’s net income, offer educational and informational programs, and maintain good working relationships with affiliated companies and commodity groups. Provides knowledge of technology in the office and in the field. Also helps improve our social media. Facebook: LaSalle County Farm Bureau Pinterest: @LaSalleCFB Instagram: @lasallecfb Twitter: @LaSalle_CFB TikTok: @LaSalleCountyFarmBureau